The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

John Henry Cropper

CROPPER, John Henry

John Henry Cropper was born on the 30th of January 1893 in Maghull, Liverpool to Robert Cropper and Ellen Hale. Robert farmed at Clent House in Maghull while his father John had farmed in nearby Moss Side since 1847. Robert and Ellen had married in 1892 and John Henry was their only child until 1901 when a daughter, Doris Irene, was born. In 1917 Robert, Ellen and John Henry were summoned to Omskirk monthly Sessions Court “for selling potatoes at an excessive price”, when Ellen was fined £15 and John H £10.

It is not known why John Henry Cropper was travelling on RMS Leinster on the 10th of October 1918. It is possible that he had been conscripted, as farming was not a reserved occupation, but no military records have been found for him. Neither has any connection to Ireland been discovered. He survived the sinking.

John Henry continued to live and work at Clent Farm with his parents. Ellen died in 1935 and in March 1936 father and son were before Liverpool Court to be fined £60 for injuries caused to a Miss Waters when she was knocked down by a lorry owned by the father and driven by the son. In October 1937, at the age of forty-three, John Henry married thirty year old Edna Maud Adams. They had two sons, David in 1939 and Ian in 1941, though the latter died in 1944. Robert lived with them on Clent Farm until his death in 1948. John Henry lived until 1970.



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